Tal Siddique Releases Verified U.S. Air Force Civil Service Record

Yesterday, Tal Siddique provided indisputable proof of his work with the U.S. Air Force as a civil servant. He had this to say:

“The latest smear from Corrupt Cop April Culbreath is yet another lie, suggesting I never worked for the U.S. Air Force. April may not be aware, but I was a civil servant who worked for the U.S. Air Force helping them lead software teams to better protect our troops and our country.

“I attached just one of my tax forms to prove this. In addition to being a civil servant working with our U.S. Air Force within the Department of Defense, I also worked with the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies in patriotic service to our country. While April was being suspended as a corrupt cop, with public records showing she was suspended for over 800 total hours for dereliction of duty and sexual misconduct, I was helping defend America.

“See through April’s last minute, desperate lies at TheRealApril.org as we close out this campaign and vote for a transparent, ethical, new generation of Republican leadership for Manatee County.”

Tal has never claimed to be a veteran and honors and respects our U.S. servicemen and servicewomen in uniform. Tal’s campaign has and will continue to be grounded in facts, unlike his opponent April Culbreath, who distracts with ugly, personal attacks that are not grounded in truth.

Tal concluded, “Let’s embrace a spirited, truth-based campaign and leave it to you, the voters, to make the best decision for our community.

You can learn more about Tal Siddique by going to his webpage: www.VoteTAL.com.


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